Built to endure, our chair features a Steel Skeleton™ Inner Core and a 2000 lbs+ weight capacity, ideal for commercial use.
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The Black with Black Vinyl Cushion Resin Steel Skeleton Folding Chair is a beautiful, super-strong, commercial-grade chair for virtually every type event. Our resin folding chair is battle tested and endures years and years of service. We have over 800,000 in use today throughout the world. It is also available in white, mahogany and fruitwood. This is the chair you want to build your event company around.
Are all resin steel skeleton folding chairs the same? They all look similar on the outside but the thickness of the resin (which you cannot see) is critical to it’s strength and the life of the product.
How much does the chair cost per use? So many things in the event industry are measured in cost per use, why not chairs? Let’s make a conservative assumption that the chair will be use 1 time per week for 4 years. Take the cost of the chair and divide by 52 weeks x 4 years = 208 uses. This chair will be in use for far longer but over only 4 years your cost per use will be about 18 cents. Suggestion: Buy the chair that lasts longer and your return on investment will be hundreds of dollars per chair.
Key Features:
Sun Protection:
Temperature Considerations:
Avoid Harsh Chemicals:
By following these care instructions, you can help maintain the appearance and longevity of your investment, minimizing color fading and ensuring your item’s durability in various weather conditions.